Rayandria Jiles Author of : Raw Wounds
From Promiscuity to P U R I T Y
1. What inspired you to publish your book?
I had so many fragmented pieces of trauma within me undone and severely shattered. Just picture a room full of broken glass covering the floor. I didn't really understand why I had gone through the things that I had, but God made it clear that my heartbreaks served a purpose. Not just any purpose, but HIS purpose. This was something that needed to be handled in private, but God required a public viewing of the hell I had gone through in order to bring others out of the darkness of lust and perversion.
2. What can readers take away from your book?
Hell has a plan and an agenda to scar, damage, and ruin you, via relationships that are not ordained by God, but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. God can and will redeem what the human mind considers nonredeemable. God is seeking to restore every reader and he is just waiting for their full surrender. We often get hung up on the details that are minuscule to God due to the shame that tacks itself on with sexual sin, for example: number of sexual partners, who wronged who, etc.) but if you think about the woman in the bible who was actively in adultery, Jesus did not think of her any less but he did say - " Go and sin no more."
3. What was your writing process like?
The writing process was extremely difficult, yet therapeutic. I had ended a relationship that I was holding on to by a thread and all of it was starting to crash down on me. Not only had I never allowed God to address the wounds of my prior relationships, I had never allowed him to touch any sensitive area in my life at all. I had to face the facts. Although the other person was out of order in the relationship, so was I because I never consulted God about entering the relationship in the first place. God never told me to get in ANY of those relationships. Each and every one of them were self-driven and dictated by the flesh, not the spirit of God. The writing process was a mirror of the hurt, pain, and anguish that I caused myself and more importantly my father in Heaven.
4. What is your favorite letter in this book, and why?
My favorite letter in the book is the poem that starts off Chapter 13 - The Sandbox Prayer. There is just so much raw emotion poured out into that piece. Every time I read it, I feel like it comes alive. It feels like a living/breathing document. I remember why I felt the things I felt and I remember the pain that situation caused. I remember walking down that hallway and knocking on the dorm door, attempting to be inconspicuous. The difference now is I don't FEEL the sting of it. God is a strong deliverer and a healer.
5. Are you planning to write other books?
I definitely plan to write other books. This is my passion! I will do it until I am in the grave. I will never stop writing. With each book, my hope is to always bring the creative twist of God.
6. What's a cool or interesting fact about yourself?
I would love to attend Law School to become an intellectual property attorney. I am unsure of when and how just yet, but I am determined to do it!
7. What is some advice you would give aspiring or first-time authors?
Involve God in the creation process and ensure He is endorsing the idea. Your authenticity and your identity need to be firmly rooted in Him. Ultimately, you are His vessel and not your own. While you may have your own vision in mind, the pursuit of a Godless vision can indeed end a life in vast destruction.
Satan loves secrets and uses them as a means to pacify you with his version of the truth. 'Raw Wounds' is a collection of real-life, gut-wrenching events that will make you think twice about your choices, surroundings, and so-called lovers and friends. They say the truth has the ability to set you free, but before you turn that page, be warned: This is not for the bourgeois or faint of heart. Who are you feasting at the table with?