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Life After Publishing: April Henderson, A Letter to You

Kylla A. L. Pate

“You have to be intentional,”

These are some of the first words that author and youth advocate April Henderson says as she recounts for us some of the amazing work she’s done since publishing her book, A Letter to You. In her book, April has penned fifty letters to young women offering encouraging and empowering words on a variety of topics.

When asked about how this project came to be, April explains that she’s always been a youth advocate, and her desire to reach out and help young women has grown into her advocating against sex trafficking, and speaking at schools, and mentoring others through empowerment workshops at organizations such as GA Baptist Children’s Home and Tools for Today Mentoring Program at the City of Refuge. Since her book’s publication in 2017, April has created the ‘Be Hope Campaign’, an initiative which would allow people to sponsor books for girls in the foster care system. She’s also gone on to create the April C. Henderson Girls Leadership Scholarship, a program that highlights girls who exhibit exceptional leadership skills, as well as celebrate the work they’re doing in their communities.

When asked if April plans to continue writing, she responds that a second book isn’t even on her radar. “There’s still so much to be done with this book first,” April explains. “It’s the most fulfilling thing to see the way my book has inspired others, and I want to make sure this book has gone as far as it can before starting anything new, especially since the message is something I’m so passionate about.”

April plans to continue using her platform to advocate and mentor young women, and is in awe of the way that her book has touched so many lives. Several people and organizations have joined in the effort to ensure that this book of letters gets in the hands of the girls who need them the most. Most recently, a sorority chapter sponsored copies of her book to be donated to girls in a mentoring program. “To see others invest in my book is just amazing,” April exclaims.

To new authors, April is adamant that you have to be committed to the process and you have to be committed to your book’s message. “Use everything you have; use your platforms and find ways to stay connected to your readers, but always remain committed to what you wrote.”

To get connected with April, subscribe to her social media platforms, or visit her at her website where you can order her book, A Letter to You, stay up-to-date on her different campaigns, and learn more about the April C. Henderson Girls Leadership Scholarship.

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