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Meet Author Brianna Hairlson

Tiheasha Beasley

1. What inspired you to publish your book, Dance Through the Storms: 22 Faith Filled Reflections to Maintain Your Joy?

I believe everyone has a book inside of them. After facing test after test and trial after trial, I wanted others to know that they’re not alone, we all go through very difficult seasons, but as Believers we are not without hope and can still have joy during difficult times.

2. What can readers take away from your book?

The key takeaway is that pain is a part of the human life and process to get to the next level. However painful a situation may be, it’s not for naught and will equip you to be prepared for your next season. The more joyful you remain, the easier the process.

3. What was your writing process like?

I had a monthly check in for accountability and wrote about 3-5 chapters a month to reach my target deadline. It was simple once I actually had time to sit in front of my computer. The words flowed. What was the most challenging part was balancing being a wife, mother, and full time entrepreneur. Most of my writing happened from 2 am-6 am, when my husband and son were sleep. Or, I would just utilize my son’s naps to plow through some chapters. My book was written entirely at my home, in either the bed or on my couch in the family room.

4. Are you planning to write other books?

Yes, I have already began writing the follow up book speaking about my mom’s life and how I am remaining joyful since she transitioned on December 11, 2019. I have at least 3 others after that. A total of 5 right now, but more is to come!

5. What's a cool or interesting fact about yourself?

I’m an ambivert that loves people, loves performing, loves dance, but I need to get away from people or I can be drained. I’m an extroverted introvert. I don’t thrive off of big parties or large groups but love intimate settings. However, people meeting me for the first time would not know that!

6. What is some advice you would give aspiring or first-time authors?

Just do it! Get an accountability partner, write the outlines and start cranking out your story. Don’t wait until the perfect circumstances, because they never will come. Take what’s yours and start the process. You’ll be glad you did!


Dance Through the Storms: 22 Faith Filled Reflections to Maintain Your Joy

Available Spring 2020

Stay connected with Brianna

@bri_cherise @brisdanceplace

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